
Folklore: King Grisly Beard from Project Gutenberg

A great king of a land far away in the East had a daughter who was very beautiful, but so proud, and haughty, and conceited, that none of the princes who came to ask her in marriage was good enough for her, and she only made sport of them. Once upon a time the king […]

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Shepherd Lore

Dusk is messenger of sunset, birds fly away, hills sink, Fireflies become touches to guide the Shepherd through hills and valleys; nothing troubles man and sheep more than the thought of warm wool and smell of hay

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Grandmother’s Table

Good evening everyone. This story was adapted from the Brothers Grimm and I’ll like to share it with you. It may be that the older we get, the more this story will mean to us. But we should learn it while we are young, for the sake of the generation coming before us. We should […]

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Nature Pastoral

The Boy Who Cried “Wolf”

This is one of Aesop’s most famous fable. It’s old but not rusty. As you read through note that the fastest way to lose what we call our good character is to lose our honesty. There was once a shepherd boy who kept his flock at a little distance from the village. Once he thought […]

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Folk: Night falls

The night fades slowly Cloak of darkness fall As the crickets prepare For another night song Bonfires lit the night To keep the wild dogs off The children set the stage For a moon light folktale And beneath the stars The small hamlet waits

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Let us dance

Let us dance while the moon shine As we swerve about together To see the stars as they glitter Let us dance under the baobab Besides the termites castle And the grazing field for the cattle When we dance under the baobab And the moon light up the cloud is bright All beautiful memories come […]

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